We love this project from community member Tracy Tao!
“Regina George” is a voice-activated AI application designed to be your go-to for all things social. Inspired by the queen bee herself, this app takes on Regina’s bold personality, offering you social advice, fashion tips, and entertainment recommendations with a flair only she could deliver.
About the Project
Tracy wanted to make a project that was both fun and useful. She wanted to build a companion that was sassy and encouraging, something akin to what a real friend would for you.
- Social Savvy Advice: Navigate social dynamics with ease. Whether you’re preparing for a night out or navigating the complexities of social media, Regina offers advice that’s both insightful and straight to the point.
- Fashion Forward: Get personalized fashion advice. From outfit recommendations to the latest trends, Regina ensures you’re always dressed to impress.
- Entertainment at Your Fingertips: Looking for movie recommendations or the perfect playlist? Regina’s got you covered with picks that match your mood and taste.
- Boost Your Confidence: With Regina’s encouragement and sharp wit, you’ll tackle social situations with a newfound confidence.
- Stay Connected: Regina can look up your friends’ latest posts on Instagram, keeping you in the loop without ever having to scroll through your feed.
Below is a code snippet showing how to play a song on Spotify:
def play_song(search_song=''):
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
# Command to open Spotify installed via Snap on Ubuntu
chat_response = "Music is playing, from one of your playlist what's next"
except FileNotFoundError:
# If Spotify is not found, install it
if install_spotify():
print("Spotify has been installed successfully. Please restart your script.")
chat_response = "Login to spotify and play music again."
print("Failed to install Spotify.")
# for mac check ~/Applications/Spotify.app
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
redirect_uri = ''
# Define the required scopes
scope = ['app-remote-control', 'user-read-playback-state', 'user-modify-playback-state']
# Create a SpotifyOAuth object
sp_oauth = spotipy.SpotifyOAuth(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope)
# Create a Spotify client with the OAuth manager
spotifyObject = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=sp_oauth)
if search_song:
results = spotifyObject.search(search_song, 1, 0, "track")
songs_dict = results['tracks']
song_items = songs_dict['items']
song = song_items[0]['external_urls']['spotify']
track_id = song.split('/')[-1]
track_id = get_random_track(spotifyObject)
# print(track_id)
devices = spotifyObject.devices()
# print(devices)
device_id = None
data = {}
# Start playback on the active device
if devices['devices']:
device_id = devices['devices'][0]['id'] # Set this to your device's ID if you have a specific device you want to play on
# Your code to start playback
spotifyObject.start_playback(device_id=device_id, context_uri=None, uris=["spotify:track:"+track_id], offset=None)
except spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException as e:
About the Developer
Tracy Tao studied Computer Science at the University of Southern California. She is passionate about user design and storytelling and loves making entertaining apps.
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OpenHome is an open-source AI smart speaker. From creating novel personalities to building useful capabilities, our voice operating system enables developers to build epic voice-first experiences.
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